on Friday, March 1, 2024

宝盈集团bbin和利维尔学院,1200多名女性聚集在一个拥挤的房子里,参加2024年的“遵守2024”活动, Feb. 第23-24节,敬拜并接受成为“祷告的女人”的呼召.”

“我们选择了‘祷告的女人’这个主题,因为祷告是信徒生活中至关重要的训练,” said Tara Dew, wife of president Jamie Dew, 兼任教授和NOBTS牧师妻子证书项目主任, Thrive. 我们若真要与基督同住,就当作祷告的妇人.”

Keynote speakers were Donna Gaines, 非营利组织ARISE2Read的创始人和主管,史蒂夫·盖恩斯的妻子, pastor of Bellevue Baptist, Memphis; Andrea Lennon, author, speaker and Arkansas Baptist Convention Women’s Specialist; Heather Johnson, educator, women’s ministry leader, and Thrive assistant director; and Tara Dew.

Worship was led by Nate Jernigan, 利维尔学院音乐与敬拜助理教授, with guest vocalist Meredith Andrews, 获得过鸽子奖的基督教音乐艺术家和敬拜领袖.  



Tara Dew, in the opening plenary, pointed to the “remarkable, 惊天动地的真理”,即信徒可以像孩子一样接近神,与神建立关系.

“耶稣不是说‘我的父’,而是说‘我们的父’,”露说. “We now have a relationship with the almighty God. We now have access as children.”

Though believers have an intimate, father-child relationship with God, 露告诫说,我们必须带着敬畏和尊敬来接近上帝. 只有当信徒明白神圣洁的品格时,他们才有能力祷告,求神的旨意在他们的生命中成就, Dew explained.

“永远不要忘记他是圣洁的,他在天上,”露说. “我们必须正确地接近,然后我们可以祈祷,'愿你的国降临. May your will be done.’”

Donna Gaines, in the Friday night plenary that followed, 指向第11节,强调在祷告中关注日常需要的重要性,而不是担心明天. 盖恩斯从她丈夫患癌症的经历中说,理解上帝的爱的深度可以让信徒相信他的供应.

“当我默想[第11节]时,我意识到我今天有足够的恩典,”盖恩斯说. “I will not dwell on the ‘what ifs,’ but on the ‘what is’ … one being, God will never leave me nor forsake me.”


“Every step of the way God has opened the door,盖恩斯谈到该组织自12年前成立以来的成长时说. “每一步,上帝都在说,‘唐娜,好好过好今天.’”


“无论你今天面对什么,抓住今天,对自己说,我拒绝焦虑. I will not think about tomorrow,” Gaines said. “I want to choose to trust my Father who loves me.”

分组讨论着重于祷告在生活中的应用和影响, evangelism and discipleship.

Michelle Chitwood, wife of IMB president Paul Chitwood, led a session on praying for the nations; Katie McCoy, Texas Baptists’ director of women’s ministry, addressed dealing with unanswered prayers; Catherine Renfro, NAMB’s national director of women’s evangelism, spoke on praying and preparing for gospel conversations; and Sally Burke, president of Moms in Prayer International, 通过祷告改变一个孩子的生命.

其他分组会议由女教员主持, Thrive adjunct faculty members, and women ministry leaders.

The release of Dew’s first book, 满溢的喜乐:耶稣所说的充满喜乐的生命,” a study of John 15, coincided with the event.

“这本书在今年出版是非常特别的,”Dew说. “我祈祷女性能更接近耶稣,并在他身上找到真正的快乐. 当我们住在他的同在里,我祷告他的喜乐会在我们的生命中洋溢.”

有史以来第一次的会前活动是在一个较小的小组环境中与恪守发言人的独家时间, special breakout sessions, 并有机会与NOBTS全球宣教中心和神学院的圣经与考古博物馆互动.

活动前的签售会以塔拉·露的书以及杰米·露最近出版的书为特色, 《宝盈集团bbin》,和“女性领导:掌管事工领导的恩赐”,” by Emily Dean, 女学部助理教授兼女学部主任.

Featured speakers for the Jan. 31-Feb. 《宝盈集团bbin》将由凯蒂·麦考伊、凯瑟琳·伦弗洛、塔拉·德鲁和艾米丽·迪恩出演. The theme will be “Women of Biblical Community.”

Friends and exhibitors at the event included the International Mission Board; NAMB’s Send Network; Guidestone Financial Resources; Texas Baptists; the Woman’s Missionary Union of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions; Mississippi Baptists WMU; the Women’s Missions and Ministry team, Louisiana Baptist Convention; Moms in Prayer International; Lifeway; WorldCrafts, 全国妇女传教联盟的慈善部, and other women’s ministry organizations.

“我们希望参加会议的女性带着实用的工具和更大的愿望离开,成为祈祷的女性,” Dew said. “There is power in prayer, 我祈祷这个周末播下的种子会在在座女性的生命中结出数不清的果实.”