Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long is the program?
A: The minimum length of the program is 3 1/2 years. Most students take 4-6 years. The maximum length is 7 years.

答:圣经释经, 圣经神学, 基督教护教学, 基督教教育, 基督教伦理, 基督教领袖, Counselor Education and Supervision, 传福音, 福, 新约, 基督教的《宝盈集团bbin》, 宗教哲学, 和神学.

Q: What is the application deadline?
A: 9月1日 for January admission, 2月1日 for August admission, or the following Monday if the deadline falls on a weekend. All materials, including GRE score reports, must be postmarked by the deadline.

Q: Do I have to live on campus?
A:虽然不是必需的, students are encouraged to live on campus and be a part of a scholarly community of learning. However, courses are taught only on the main campus. Seminars meet weekly, every two weeks, or 3 or 4 times during the semester. 看到 博士课程安排 for specific dates and times.

All majors in the PhD program are available at a distance through synchronous interactive video as well as in the traditional classroom. Students who are unable to take advantage of the campus scholarly environment can participate fully in seminars and colloquia by joining the class sessions through live Internet connections. 


Q: What foreign language prerequisites are required?
A: Language requirements vary by major. 看到 博士入学要求

Q: Can I complete prerequisites while in the PhD program?
A:If an applicant has nine or more hours of masters-level prerequisite courses to complete, it would be beneficial to apply to the stand-alone ThM program to complete his or her leveling work. This degree includes twelve hours of upper-level masters courses while also allowing the student to complete two PhD seminars, 一次阅读研讨会, and Introduction to Research and Writing, which all will transfer toward the PhD completion upon a potential future acceptance into that program after earning the ThM. 

If the applicant has six or less hours of masters-level prerequisite courses to complete, they may receive conditional acceptance to the PhD program contingent on completing all hours of leveling work within their first year in the program. Failure to complete these leveling hours within the first two semesters of program admittance may result in termination from the PhD program. If the applicant requires more than six hours masters-level prerequisite course to complete, the applicant should consider pursuing the Stand-Alone ThM.

A: Applicants must submit GRE scores. GRE scores are part of a total package of items considered in reviewing an application. Official GRE score reports must be at the Office of Research Doctoral Studies by 9月1日 for January applications and 2月1日 for August applications, or the following Monday if the deadline falls on a weekend.

The GRE requirement is waived for applicants who hold the DMin or DEdMin degree from an ATS-accredited institution. 看到 跳级 有关详细信息,.

Q: Is an interview required?
是的, an applicant is required to have an interview with the division faculty of the intended major.

Q: Is an entrance examination required?
A: An entrance examination is required for applicants for all majors except Counselor Education and Supervision.

Q: Where should I stay when I come for the interview and entrance examination?
A:神学院所有 普罗维登斯的房子 is located across the street from the main campus for the convenience of students and seminary-related guests.

Q: Are internationals required to take the TOEFL?
是的, unless they hold a degree from an English-based master's program. For other requirements related to internationals, see the section "International Students" on 在毕业生目录中.

Q: Who makes a decision on an application?
A: The Seminary has a Doctoral 招生 Committee that reviews an applicant's file and makes a final decision regarding admission.

Q: When are admissions decisions made?
A: 招生 decisions normally are made in late October for spring admission and early April for fall admission.

A: An applicant should begin the process early enough to have all application materials and official GRE score reports to the Office of Research Doctoral Programs by 9月1日/2月1日, or the following Monday if the deadline falls on a weekend.

Q: How do I get an application?
A: 申请材料 can be printed from the Seminary website.
