Dr. 诺里斯Grubbs

满足博士. 诺里斯Grubbs


Teaching students to share the most important message in the world requires excellence! That has always been our goal at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College. 和 it continues to be a driving force for us today.

That’s why we hire world-class faculty who truly care about their students. 和 it’s why we consistently provide a transformative, Christ-centered curriculum in every area. 和 it’s why we appreciate the leadership provided by the man charged with each of those duties, 我们的院长, Dr. 诺里斯Grubbs.

Dr. Grubbs earned his master’s degree and his doctorate from NOBTS. He has served on our faculty. 和 he shares the heartbeat of our campus. That background makes him the perfect person to ensure excellence in all things academic for both our undergraduate and graduate programs.

I have a history here. I know how we got to where we are. I know the people, so I can lead from a place of relationship. 和, 当然, I understand the things that were valuable to me as a student, so I can help lead our faculty to do that for other people.

Dr. Grubbs started teaching at Leavell College in 1999. 随着时间的推移, he began accepting more administrative duties, especially in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. In 2017, he became our school’s provost. But while his job keeps him busy with academics, he still spends time in the classroom, and he still has a passion for helping students grow spiritually.

It’s a little ironic, but seminary can be a difficult time to maintain spiritual vitality. We want to help students develop their walk with Christ. So, we’ve built things into the curriculum for that. Our faculty is intentional about praying with and for students. 和 we’re developing a community where students will do that for each other.

Spiritual vitality is a core value of NOBTS and Leavell College. We exist to prepare servants who will walk with Christ, proclaim His truth, and fulfill His mission. But we know that we can’t do it alone. We need partners—people just like you who will support our students by supporting the work of the Providence Fund.

Every dollar given to the Providence Fund equips and encourages our students, and it's a dollar that the student does not have to pay. But your generosity doesn’t just affect today. It also transforms the future. 想象一下, your gift right now might help prepare your future pastor for ministry or train the counselor who will someday provide hope for a family member in crisis. For so many in the NOBTS family, including Dr. Grubbs, your investment in the Providence Fund really is that personal.

Theological education is significantly more expensive now than when I was a student. What I paid for an entire semester back then wouldn’t cover one class today. We have the Providence Fund so that a guy from small-town Mississippi like I was can still afford a theological education.

Please pray for an incredible financial blessing for our students today. Like you, they desire to make a lasting impact for the kingdom of God. They train here to serve anywhere and we want to thank you in advance for your prayers. We appreciate it more than you know.

P.S. — Please consider making a single or recurring monthly gift to Providence Fund. 和 if you would like to give that gift “in honor” or “in memory” of someone who has made an impact on your life, we can help with that. Simply contact Nancy by email development@dautu247.net or by phone 504-282-4455 ext. 3252.


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