Dr. 杨晨院长

满足博士. 杨晨院长

New Orleans is a city like no other. The diversity and culture create memories that last a lifetime, and the opportunities to minister provide ongoing reminders of the power of the gospel and the privilege of sharing it with those who need to meet Jesus.

Alongside the beauty and energy of our city, the campus of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College nurtures a special spirit that cannot be matched anywhere. Even a short stay on campus offers visitors a sense of what God is doing on this property. And for those who call it “home,” the impact is greater.

“Once you’re here, the campus has a way of drawing you in,” says Dr. 杨晨院长, professor of Christian education and graduate of both Leavell College and NOBTS. “For me, it wasn’t like just moving to college or moving to serve at a church in a different state. You develop lifelong friendships with the people you meet and over the coffee you share. Plus, the city is captivating.”

Dr. Dean earned his undergraduate degree from Leavell College in 2003. He continued his education at NOBTS with a pair of master’s degrees and his Ph.D. He also met his wife, Emily, who also holds two master’s and a Ph.D. 从NOBTS. She currently serves as a professor and chair in the Women’s Ministry department and leads the Women’s Ministry Programs on campus.

Through his time on campus as a student and leader, Dr. Dean carries a lifetime of memories. Those memories not only warm his heart, but they also inspire him to make a difference in the lives of his students and peers.

“I can still visualize the days in chapel when God was speaking to me,” he recalls. “I can still visualize places on campus where conversations happened and where meals were shared in homes. I believe in ministering in the environment around us.”

Dr. Dean and so many like him understand that God is at work on the campus they love. They understand that the fellowship and camaraderie are ingredients to a recipe that moves people from New Orleans and into the world to fulfill God’s purposes.

At NOBTS and Leavell College, we are passionately pursuing our call to prepare servants to walk with Christ, 宣扬他的真理, 来完成他的使命. 但我们不能单独行动. Your partnership is critical in preparing our students here so they can serve anywhere in the world.

Every dollar you give to the Providence Fund is a dollar our students don’t have to pay. Your generous investment frees them to focus on where God is leading them and moves them closer to fulfilling His plans. Plus, you get to be a part of something much bigger than yourself. Your gifts will change lives, here on campus and around the world, for God’s glory!

Jody and Emily Dean embrace their role as donors to NOBTS and Leavell Colleges. As graduates, they understand what those gifts mean to students. As faculty and staff members, they recognize that the need is great. They know God is moving and are committed to being a part of His work.

“For Emily and me, the investment of time is there,” he shares. “But when it comes to our treasure, it’s not just a token of giving to feel better. It’s an investment in students and leadership. We have been given much, and this is a place that’s worthy of our investment. And giving offers us another way to be part of equipping a new generation.”

When it comes to giving to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College, we often say that today is the best day to start, and the Providence Fund is the best way to start. But the need in this season is truly great. 像很多机构一样, we have felt the squeeze of inflation and seen traditional revenue sources reduce their investments. If we are going to keep our tuition and other expenses reasonable for our students, 你的支持至关重要!

所以,请不要拖延. Today really is the best day to start!

Thank you in advance for your generous partnership in the mission of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College. Your financial support and your prayer support mean more than we could ever express. We appreciate you, and we wish God’s richest blessings on you and your ministry in the days ahead.


